4 Responses to Logotype ideas

  1. eRay says:

    I feel like you are on to something big with the color choices. I am bothered by the combo of upper and lower case in the word Europa, but I think the font choice is pretty good. It could be improved, but this works pretty well. I would not use the 2nd or 4th iterations because of the altered NBA logo. I actually like the first choice best, but wish there was something more than a star on the NBA logo. I don’t know what you could put there, but maybe an “e” design that resembles a star? Maybe just an “e” design? Maybe the circle of stars from the EU flag? Maybe an “e” in the middle of the circle of stars from the EU flag? I don’t know, just some ideas. I would experiment with it. It looks like you are off to a great start, though.

  2. Scott says:

    I think the third is the best. And I think eRay’s idea of using the EU flag stars instead of “NBA” in the lower left corner is a good idea.

    The first also is very good. I like it’s more compact design. The resulting “square” looks really works. Again though, the single star just seems out of place.

    Also agree with the color choices. Excellent!

  3. Jackal says:

    I prefer the first design, that’s pretty sexy looking.

    The third one is nice as well, but not anywhere near the first one.

    The other two look like All Star logos to me, sorry. Nice work though.

  4. SUPERMIKKI says:

    I like the 2nd and 4th logos.

    The type is fine, and I like the pantones you used on the logos.

    Keep it up!

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